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Young ISSNAF programs offer invaluable support to the early career ISSNAF members.  
These programs provide opportunities to receive mentoring from experienced ISSNAF members, connect with peers, and explore various aspects of their field of work and research. 

By participating, early career researchers can enhance their professional development, gain diverse perspectives, and strengthen their ties within the research community.




As an early career professional, you might be facing uncertainties about your career path or dealing with professional challenges. Having the support of an experienced mentor can make all the difference in charting your next steps.  


Apply for our Mentoring for Early-Career Members program. 


Your will benefit from: 

  • Guidance and support: ISSNAF mentors provide valuable advice and support to help you navigate the complexity of your career and receive tailored advice on career development. 

  • Skill development and knowledge: Gain skills and knowledge from experienced professionals and thought leaders while gaining a broader perspective in your field. 

  • Networking opportunities: expanding your network and collaborate with established professions and motivated peers.  

  • Personal growth: build more confidence, resilience and self-awareness.  

  • Accountability and motivation: Regular check-ins with a mentor keep you motivated and focused on your goals. 



If you still have question about the Program, read our FAQs or write to 


The Young Investigator Awards, presented annually by ISSNAF and sponsored by notable partners, honor exceptional early-career ISSNAF members for their innovative contributions to their respective fields of study.


  • Gain recognition and prestige within their academic or professional community. 

  • Showcase their innovative contributions and achievements on a broader platform. 

  • Forge valuable connections with established professionals and peers in their field. 

Learn about the Young Investigator Awards.

YI awards
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