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ISSNAF Stories

Physical Sciences & Mathematics


Claudio Pellegrini

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Adjunct Professor

Dept. of Physics, University of California Los Angeles

Accelerator Directorate, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Dept. of Physics, University of California Los Angeles

A lesson to President Obama and the blend between science and humanities.

Prof. Claudio Pellegrini is a National Academy of Sciences member and was honored with the Enrico Fermi Award by President Obama. He shares how he explained X-ray free-electron lasers—essentially a super-powered camera for watching atoms and molecules in action—to President Obama.  Prof. Pellegrini, a Galileo enthusiast, likens reading Galileo’s work to chatting with today’s leading scholars. He also believes that combining scientific and humanistic perspectives is key to tackling big issues like climate change.  He aIso gives his take on how ISSNAF can help bridge the gap between science and humanities. 

Prof. Pellegrini is a member of  the ISSNAF Scientific Council.

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