INFN Bruno Touschek Award
Fabio Ravera
Fabio Ravera obtained his master’s degree in Physics from the University of Turin in 2013 with a thesis on 3D silicon pixel detectors, which was awarded the “Anna Piccotti” INFN Torino Award for the best master thesis on particle detectors. As a graduate student at the University of Turin, Fabio deployed the acquired expertise in the construction of the CMS-TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer (CT-PPS) tracker with 3D pixel detectors. In 2017 he moved to CERN as a Cooperation Associate to follow the installation of the detector and obtained his Ph.D.. He then obtained a postdoctoral position at the University of Genoa and continued working as a CERN Cooperation Associate in the CT-PPS project as responsible for the data taking of the tracking detector until 2018. Fabio received the CMS Achievement Award and the IEEE Emilio Gatti and Franco Manfredi Best Ph.D. Thesis Award in Radiation Instrumentation thanks to the activities carried out. In 2018, Fabio moved to the United States for a Fermilab Research Associate position. His research focused on searches for new physics in multi-Higgs boson final states and the CMS Phase II Outer Tracker Upgrade. For this work, Fabio received the “Fermilab Reward and Recognition award” and become a Distinguished Researcher at the CMS LHC Physics Center in 2021. In 2021, he was appointed as Associate Scientist at Fermilab and he is continuing his research and becoming responsible for the CMS Outer Tracker module production at Fermilab.