INFN Bruno Touschek Award
Marco Siciliano

Marco Siciliano obtained his Bachelor and Master degrees at the University of Padova (Italy). For the Master’s thesis he worked at the University of Jyväskylä, where he was introduced to the study of nuclear structure of very exotic nuclei. During the Ph.D., Marco worked at the INFN-Legnaro National Laboratories (Italy), becoming an expert of gamma-ray spectroscopy and of state-of-the-art HPGe arrays, such as GALILEO and AGATA. When he moved to CEA-Saclay (France), Dr. Marco Siciliano developed his interest in nuclear shapes and their relationship with nuclear interactions. Now Dr. Marco Siciliano works as Assistant Physicist at the Physics Division of Argonne National Laboratory, USA. Here he is the responsible for the GRETINA experimental campaign, and recently he has been designing a new generation heavy-ion detector to study nuclear shapes. Marco’s research activities have been conducted in various European and North American laboratories. His research can be placed in a general context of experimental nuclear structure studies, by addressing timely topics in nuclear structure physics via combine gamma-ray and particle spectroscopy and also by investigating the influence of the nuclear structure on reaction mechanisms. Particularly, his work has mainly been devoted to the investigation of exotic neutrondeficient nuclei and the structure evolution in the Z=50 region.